
Tuesday, August 25, 2015


Political Flyer Circulated In Detroit Suburb: 'Let's Get The Blacks Out'

Here's an example of how anonymous speech enables debate. It's unlikely anyone would circulate this hateful flier if they had to put their name on it. While I don't agree with the opinion on the flier, I celebrate that we live in a county where that person has the right to distribute such a flier.

That right was hard-won by Manuel Talley and others in civil rights struggle. I have a few pictures of Talley.  Talley v California was the landmark case that establishes the right to anonymous political fliers. https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/362/60/case.html. Unfortunately, there are many today who continue to resist civil rights, such as in Mississippi, where the Secretary of State is trying to enforce an unconstitutional statute that makes it a crime to pass out fliers.  see here:

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