
Saturday, August 29, 2015

Docket page for Anonymous Doe v Bryant, plus whatever else I turn up about this case.



A federal judge in Jackson did not rule Friday on a request to keep hidden the origin of a political mailer that depicted the Madison mayor manipulating Madison County supervisor candidates with puppet strings.
Judge Carlton Reeves took the matter under advisement after a 90-minute hearing. He indicated it could be a couple weeks before he rules after attorneys further brief the matter.




Attorney General Jim Hood's office says it will investigate. Hosemann says violations are misdemeanors, punishable by fines of up to $3,000 and up to 6 months in jail.
Most literature presented by Hosemann criticizes incumbent Republican lawmakers, claiming they oppose gun rights and the current state flag, while supporting Common Core education standards and federal health care reform.
So there are some clues here about who the Does might be.


http://yallpolitics.com/index.php/yp/post/41735/ Speculation about who might be behind those confederate flag postcards.

Publius and the Petition: Doe v. Reed and the History of Anonymous Speech

Meredith Hattendorf, Comment, Theoretical Splits and Consistent Results on Anonymous Political Speech: Majors v. Abell and ACLU of Nevada v. Heller, 50 ST. LOUIS U. L.J. 925, 930 (2006)

I'm going to have to find this!

https://casetext.com/case/doe-v-curtis-no-cv09-5028697-feb ruling on a fictitious name petition.


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