
Saturday, November 01, 2014

a modest proposal

Ilya Shapiro IShapiro@cato.org

Oct 31 (1 day ago)
to DavidDalelaw-election
Yes and this is why we must restrict megaphones, printing presses, laptops, and internet access; otherwise those without resources to buy such things will be drowned out by the voices of those who do. Also, if I hear something critical of me on the news or read about it in the newspaper, I should have a right to respond. After all, we must keep the field level. Maybe we should just create zones to which to restrict political speech (and it's too hard to police the express/issue advocacy line so just anyone expressing in public a thought tangential to policy issues will be fined if not in that zone). For that matter, some people live closer to the polling station than others; they should be forced to walk around the ballot box until they've covered as much ground as their more distant neighbors. But wait, some of those people are disabled and can't walk; ok, voting is only allowed in wheelchairs. But not everyone can afford a wheelchair, so taxpayers will fund them. Aw heck let's just give the government all the money and property and let it figure out how much we get to use for ourselves, perhaps according to some rubric of how much we deserve...
I think I'll dress up as Harrison Bergeron tonight.
Ilya Shapiro
Senior Fellow in Constitutional Studies,
Editor-in-Chief of the Cato Supreme Court Review
Cato Institute

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