
Thursday, October 02, 2014

The Marion County election department tells me there were 7 provisional ballots not counted at the spring primary due to voter ID. They are pondering whether to release the names to me.
If they do, I will passing those names on to a group that claims to be looking for plaintiffs, although the group's attorney is anonymous for now. I have a couple of potential new plaintiffs lined up for the fall election, if they follow though.

Marion County is only one of Indiana's 92 counties, but it is the largest.
The numbers are small which I think that those who don't have or won't show an ID have given up on the useless provisional vote alternative. But it could also support a view that voter ID isn't burdening many people. Turnout at the primary was low. There are no hotly contested big ticket races. Secretary of State is the top of the ticket. Both major party candidates are fairly competent and uncontroversial. They differ slightly on voter ID and gay marriage and little else, so I expect turnout in the fall to be low.

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