Saturday, September 20, 2014
WI supreme court asked to delay voter ID for fall election.
Wisconsin Poll Watcher Militia' plans to confront Scott Walker recall petition signers at polls
This seems ill-advised. Bad public relations and questionably legally. I don't know whether WI has a provision against arrest while going to or from the polls. In the 1990s I was arrested after voting in Missouri and lost a case on it, when the appeal court said a primary wasn't an election. The state supreme court denied transfer.
Disclaimer and disclosure complaint in NC over fracking ads.
Today I heard a speech by William Barber, the NC minister who started Moral Mondays - he's bringing it to Indiana and 13 other states.
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Wisconsin Poll Watcher Militia' plans to confront Scott Walker recall petition signers at polls
This seems ill-advised. Bad public relations and questionably legally. I don't know whether WI has a provision against arrest while going to or from the polls. In the 1990s I was arrested after voting in Missouri and lost a case on it, when the appeal court said a primary wasn't an election. The state supreme court denied transfer.
Disclaimer and disclosure complaint in NC over fracking ads.
Today I heard a speech by William Barber, the NC minister who started Moral Mondays - he's bringing it to Indiana and 13 other states.
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