
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Indiana legalized same sex marriage today, by order of a federal judge. While anticipated, it's been a long time coming. Marion County Clerk Beth White has issued marriage licenses to same sex couples while AG Greg Zoeller is pursuing a stay at the 7th circuit. White is the Dem's candidate for secretary of state.
Few actual issues separate the SecState candidates, so the race focuses on playing to core constituencies.
I most recently saw White at the pride parade a couple weeks ago.
The incumbent Connie Lawson may have a slight edge, but the race could go either way.
I have mixed feelings for  White. I've voted for her and sued her, and expect to sue her again.
I'm not sure who the Dems are running for county clerk (an office I once ran for.)
I could look that up.
I don't know her, but her middle name is Determination according to Facebook.

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