
Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Dean out. Hasn't withdrawn, but folds campaign.
Kerry just barely. WI #'s: Kerry 40%, Edwards 34% Dean 18%, not bad given that the intern flap is blowing over.
Drudge had reported, correctly, that some major media were working on a Kerry intern scandal story. Turned out not to have substance. Drudge's point was widely misunderstood - part of what drudge does is track the media.

Chandler happy in KY. 55% Ben Chandler, 42% GOP, 3%?, for Gov. Fletcher's house seat. Can't think of a "friends" quip.
A chandler, of course, is a guy who sorts eggs, while a fletcher is an arrow-maker. KY has a lot of these names, british isles working class origins.
531 more john doe file sharing suits.
Do not call upheld.

(reg required)
http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/apus_story.asp? category=1110&slug=Do%20Not%20Call

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