
Thursday, February 26, 2004

purpose: one thing i'm not trying to do here is scoop election news.
see www.electionlawblog.org or electionline.com.
What I am trying to do is give my take on some of the stories of the day,
from the point of view of an election lawyer interested in free speech and removing barriers to political participation, especially by individuals, the poor and the less powerful.

I don't fully have the hang of this blogging thing; at the moment this blog lacks permalinks, comments, trackback, hit counter, and the sidebar links have fallen to the bottom.

I have updated the masthead to include "Andy Horning for Congress."
This is a specific example of the format "vote for Smith." I, and the Supreme Court, believe such statements are protected speech. FECA 318 says they are a crime. I invite others to join me in resisting such attempts at censorship.

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