
Saturday, September 09, 2017


Dear FEC:

Stop violating my civil rights by chilling my speecch with your Defend the President AO draft.

Disclaimer regulations were found unconstituional in 1960, the year I was born, 57 years ago.

I will not allow you to roll back the clock to the Jim Crow era of censorship of political speech.

"Stewart contends that McIntyre controls this case. Stewart is correct." Stewart v Taylor 953 F.Supp. 1047 (S D Ind. 1997).

It is unethical, tortious, possibly illegal, scurrilous, and ill-mannered for the FEC to enforce unconstitutional void regulations, whether under the fugitive slave act, the alien and sedition act,
the loyalty oath statutes, or the disclaimer regulations at issue in the AO draft. That draft is a smoking gun that the FEC is involved in unlawfully chilling core political speech protected by the first amendment. Such conduct is prohibited by the Ku Klux Klan acts.

So knock it off.

I wrote to you guys about this in the Leo Smith 1998-AO-22.
That's 19 years ago, and you are still at it.

I wrote to you again when you wanted comments on internet regulation. 1000 of us, a then-record, submitted comments saying hands off the internet. 

By now I am old, mostly retired, with a grey beard. But the issue is still a live one between us.

Here, you are trying to enforce a void unconstitutional set of regulations against groups supporting the president. That president has the power to appoint members of the FEC, traditionally in consultation with party leaders. There are what, 5 or 6 vacancies?

You put your institution at risk when you attack the president's supporters without legal authority to do so. It is not a position of strength.

So, tactically, the FEC should stop being evil in this way, even if you have no intrinsic desire to be good or decent.

So knock it off.

Cordially, rgs.

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