
Wednesday, February 03, 2016

“Democratic turnout drops by an estimated 8.8 percentage points in general elections when strict photo identification laws are in place,” compared to just 3.6 percentage points for Republicans.
Hasen link to Think Progress paper.

That's huge, if the study methodology checks out. It's in line with my intuitive sense of how these things work, I guess a bit higher than I expected. I think data like that would strongly support a 24th Amendment claim, because it seems like voter ID is a barrier to voting of the sort Harman v Forssenius said is unconstitutional under the 24th Amendment even when not a poll tax per se

Somebody should get this submitted to the North Carolina Court as "additional authority". I'm not clear if the court would be open to an unpublished paper, and I don't know if the study is rigorous enough for Daubert type standards. Hasen is an expert on evidence, I am far from it. 

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